
God sees from a different plane than we do. And that implies a dependency on Him on our part. We need Him to see; we need Him to trust.

As this messenger of satan continues to buffet my soul, I ask, when God? Why don't you answer? Why am I trapped? And the Lord's response comes not in the form of deliverance, but in the form of an answer, There is a purpose behind your suffering. God may delay the answer we are asking for to give us what we really need.

And what about His plan? What if I seemingly fail? God speaks a promise, through another person, through a dream. And we miss an opportunity to fulfill that promise. Lack of faith, fear, or simply for no good reason, but we miss the opportunity. More accurately, we miss an opportunity. 

Take this truth as an chance to exercise your faith. God knew you would miss the opportunity to make His promise come true, yet He still spoke the promise into your life. What am I saying? Are you willing to consider that this may be a part in His plan to fulfilling His promise in your life? Will you take that step of faith and believe?

We have an enemy that would love nothing more than to run you ragged in your thoughts; confuse you, get you to thinking, "It's over", "I've blown my chance." But God wants you to know that He is the God of second and third chances. It's not over. It's all part of His plan and His promise remains.

Remember, know, what the source of your pain is. You have an enemy, one who stirs up trouble, who steals, kills, destroys. Or at least tries to. While God will allow these trials and temptations, He is by no means the source of your affliction.

No, He is our heavenly Father and He disciplines those whom He loves. He scourges those He receives. If God is for us, then who can be against? The battle remains the Lord's. Stand and watch His victory.

Your answer is coming ...


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