Subject To ...
There are many things we find ourselves subject to. Some of them are accepted as normal. Subject to a boss, subject to putting in a full day at work, taxes, accountability, doctor's visits, the challenge of raising godly children. Some of the things we are subject to are not so acceptable; emotional whims and storms, abuse of many kinds, the fears of life. The list goes on.
But God has a promise for today, an offer for a different viewpoint; hope for change:
The Lord will make you the head and not the tail
What causes you to cower, to bow? Is it fear? Is it taunting or evil thoughts? A secret lust, a hidden root of bitterness? Tomorrow? Maybe your child's welfare, or your relationship with your spouse? Friend, God has good news for you - a promise in Jesus: you shall no longer be under those things. No longer subject to them.
No, God has something better. He has us subject to something far better, not burdensome. Love.
Be subject to love, the kindness of the Father, His patience, His acceptance, His hope, His trust and good outlook. His view of life that says all things work together for good. That's what we are called to be under or subject to. Grace and love.
And on the flip side? You are the head, above "stuff". above the power of the demons who push your buttons. Above the buttons! You are not your family tree. You have leaves of your own (to quote a song). Your teeth are not set on edge because of your earthly father's addiction to sour grapes.
You are above all the power of the enemy and nothing shall harm you. You are above your circumstances which would blow as wind on the sea of your emotions. Be still! Be still and know that He is God, and know that He has promised to set you above and not below, as the head and not the tail.
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