
It keeps me down, keeps me from flying.
the rope is a lie, a seed of deception that has been sown.
it says you've gone too far, you've fallen away beyond His grace
it's the rope of oppression
it keeps me down
all i have to do is lift my foot out of that rope.
it is loose and has no real power over me
the rope offers safety, lets i go too far in freedom
it has a length, to keep me from going to far
it is a lie, it is bondage

the rope reminds me that i cannot
the rope is only a lie, it's only a lie
God's grace goes father than i ever have
Still i remain His beloved son
and i grow and i serve, but the rope keeps me from going to far
and the rope in desperation says, no, you cannot reach out to Jesus, you've gone too far
but it is a lie, the rope is a lie
only Jesus can free me from this rope
only He can break the bondage that holds me there and forgive the guilt of my failings and faulterings.
cry out - Jesus! free me from this rope, this lie, that has held me too long in bondage
I am free, i am free to fly, my heart can go beyond limits
for the lie has been destroyed by the One who destroyed the liar
sink in shame lying rope, fall off without effort
For my victory comes from the Lord
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