Sometimes we don't get what we want. Sometimes we don't get what we really, really want. Life, relationships, institutions, churches, careers, can all let us down. And sometimes those disappointments can bring us into a quandary; a dilemma of confusion and of questioning God.
"Didn't God promise that He would supply all of my needs according to His riches in glory in Christ?" Yes, He did.
But in reality, sometimes our needs are actually very strong desires. Not that God doesn't want us to have what we want; He does. But consider this - maybe God sees a greater need than the one currently playing lead role on the stage of your mind. Would you be wiling to consider that God knows what you really need more than you do? And would you be willing to accept that His heart is not to deprive you, but rather to supply you with even greater things than you can currently imagine?
What if God, in His wisdom, is looking down right now at your situation and with an exhaustive evaluation saying, "The very thing you desire so much is just a shadow of even greater treasures I have in store for you. But you cannot receive the riches I so desire to give you while holding onto the lesser that so captivates your heart right now."
God's heart is good and He has only your best in mind.
Picture the disappointed child that goes into a store to purchase the toy they've been excitedly saving for only to find it out of stock. That child may want to purchase what they really don't need to help alleviate their disappointment; to feel as though they got something out of the deal. But the loving parent encourages their child to abstain from purchasing what they don't really want and wait until their true desire is in stock.
In your desperation to gain what you so desire, don't make the mistake of creating your own path to attain it. The peace of grace doesn't exist in human effort and striving. What we strive to gain, we often strive to keep. Many of us can apply enough effort to gain what we want now, but the reward of such effort never comes close to the fully satisfying gift given God's way.
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