One Small Step Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin ... (Zechariah 10:4) Sometimes the hardest step to take can be the first step. It's rarely rewarding, somewhat intimidating, and for the procrastinator in all of us, annoyingly scary. Who among us doesn't like the feeling of quick accomplishments? Who wouldn't want immediate success with little effort? But t hat doesn't take faith. No, s tepping out into the unknown with baby steps - that takes faith. This blog is actually the first step I've taken to seeing my work published. My next step was to research the writing market. Next, I've begun submitting some of my work to publishers. Step by step. No where I want to be yet, but I know what God has put inside of me. And isn't that core to starting something great? God puts a desire in our hearts. And we can't seem to erase that desire; even if years pass by. We can try to ignore it with the busi...