What's the Point?

You may be asking yourself, "What's the point?" I work, I raise my children, I care for the home, but I don’t really feel like I have any big or lasting impact in this world.

It has been suggested that the efforts of Ezra and Nehemiah would not have been possible if it had not been for the role of Esther in biblical history. She played a foundational part in the plan of God to return His people to their home. In her imperfection God made her what she needed to be for the time she was in. And her life made it possible for Ezra and Nehemiah to have their impact.

The mother of John Newton, the ex-slave trader and writer of the hymn Amazing Grace, died when John was just a child. Yet the seed of faith that she planted in her son never left him and grew into a great faith that influenced and impacted many. 

John the baptist made a way for the Savior of the world. He had his place, but realized that it was not about him. He decreased while Jesus increased (and still increases through His Church).

I would ask you to consider that your role may not be to change the world, or to impact it in some spectacular way, but to prepare those who will. A son, a daughter, a friend - you just don’t know the foundation that is being laid by your godly influence on those around you.

There are times when God works silently. He calls and then seems to leave the room; all the while that calling brewing in us like a cup of coffee. Consider David, anointed as king of Israel, pursued by a strong enemy, hiding in a cave. What a calling, we would say looking in from the outside! But all was not yet over. God would one day reveal His plan.

You may not have kingship or queenship in your future, but remember, God has called you to a task, placed you, and is using you to bring His kingdom to a corner of this earth. How small or how great that corner is, really isn’t the matter. What matters is that you continue in the grace of God and grow into Him before those around you.


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