I Know That My Redeemer Lives
Back and forth goes the sparring, the accusations, the reasonings, the theories as to why's and what's of what is going on. Job, a man of integrity, sits in his pathetic and helpless condition being schooled by his so-called friends why his life has taken a turn for the worse. Job, further burdened by the bitter words of his "comforters", grasps for relief, and searches for reasons for his current condition.
Life's big question remains unanswered - "Why?"

But not really, for we have the curtain drawn back, the blanket lifted, on what is really happening here. Played out before us is a heavenly sparring, a battle in the celestial arena, a fight over the truth that Job belongs to God ("Have you considered My servant, Job?") Here we gain insight into the source of Job's difficulty - a battle between accuser and Defender. And in the end, we will see that Job is lifted from his depths to his rightful place by his Defender. But for now he waits.
Even so, the battle at times rages in our own lives. But we are not unaware of the accuser's schemes. As Jesus said, "The thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy." Ah, but Jesus, our Redeemer who stood on dust, robed in dust, gives us life (true life) abundantly. Our Redeemer lives, He understands our weaknesses, that our strength is but dust, for He experienced the nature of our dusty frames. Prone to wander, Lord I feel it.

Don't let the forum of public opinion cast you to the side. Your Redeemer lives. Don't let the whispers (or the shouts), the malicious maligning of Satan, cause your head to hang low. Don't let the effects of struggle, difficulty, wearying trial, cause you to doubt or lose hope. Why?
Because God is at work here.
Pull back the curtain, open the shade, and see the truth - GOD IS FOR YOU. He is good and He is here, and He is for you. Your Redeemer lives.
(Ps 103:14 - He knows our frame; John 10:10 - life abundantly; Heb 4:15 - He understands our weaknesses; 2 Cor 2:11 - the devil's schemes; Job 19:25-26 - my Redeemer lives, He will stand upon the dust; Zech 3:1 the accusations; Job 1:8 - My servant Job)
Back and forth goes the sparring, the accusations, the reasonings, the theories as to why's and what's of what is going on. Job, a man of integrity, sits in his pathetic and helpless condition being schooled by his so-called friends why his life has taken a turn for the worse. Job, further burdened by the bitter words of his "comforters", grasps for relief, and searches for reasons for his current condition.
Life's big question remains unanswered - "Why?"

But not really, for we have the curtain drawn back, the blanket lifted, on what is really happening here. Played out before us is a heavenly sparring, a battle in the celestial arena, a fight over the truth that Job belongs to God ("Have you considered My servant, Job?") Here we gain insight into the source of Job's difficulty - a battle between accuser and Defender. And in the end, we will see that Job is lifted from his depths to his rightful place by his Defender. But for now he waits.
Even so, the battle at times rages in our own lives. But we are not unaware of the accuser's schemes. As Jesus said, "The thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy." Ah, but Jesus, our Redeemer who stood on dust, robed in dust, gives us life (true life) abundantly. Our Redeemer lives, He understands our weaknesses, that our strength is but dust, for He experienced the nature of our dusty frames. Prone to wander, Lord I feel it.

Don't let the forum of public opinion cast you to the side. Your Redeemer lives. Don't let the whispers (or the shouts), the malicious maligning of Satan, cause your head to hang low. Don't let the effects of struggle, difficulty, wearying trial, cause you to doubt or lose hope. Why?
Because God is at work here.
Pull back the curtain, open the shade, and see the truth - GOD IS FOR YOU. He is good and He is here, and He is for you. Your Redeemer lives.
(Ps 103:14 - He knows our frame; John 10:10 - life abundantly; Heb 4:15 - He understands our weaknesses; 2 Cor 2:11 - the devil's schemes; Job 19:25-26 - my Redeemer lives, He will stand upon the dust; Zech 3:1 the accusations; Job 1:8 - My servant Job)
Love this, short and to the point ! No mumbo jumbo, Just the simple truth, "Our Redeemer live ". Thats all we need to know to have a hope so precious it evades most. Thanks for this message. It arrived in perfect time !