Under the Influence
Would you be willing to take, say, a few seconds, place your mind in focus mode, and consider this thought,
"Your life has a strong impact on others."
Consider that thought again,
"My life has a strong impact on others."
How you walk, the paths you take, your choices, have a bigger impact on others than you might imagine. It's true to say, people are under the influence of you.
So take a new grip with your tired hands and strengthen your weak knees. Mark out a straight path for your feet so that those who are weak and lame will not fall but become strong. (The book of Hebrews in the Christian scriptures, chapter 12)
I've heard it said that there is no more than six degrees of separation between every human on this planet. I think we all know someone who knows someone who knows someone who knows someone famous. True or not, as humans, we are all interconnected in one way or another. And that interconnection is the channel that carries the good as well as the bad between us.
Suicide, divorce, adultery, alcoholism, all have devastating effects, not only on the life of the person living these ways out, but also deeply on the lives of those around that person. We've been created interconnected, wish it or not.
Integrity, faithfulness, endurance, abstinence, and wholesome living also have an affect on the person living this way and on the lives of those around that person. It's true of you too.
Your example of endurance in what is good (marriage, church attendance, your job, acts of kindness), is a slowly warming fire that melts the coldness and darkness pervading our society and sets an example of true life to those around you. People are depending on you, whether they realize it or not. Your life example, your quiet prayers, your selfless kindness, could be changing a life right now that will one day change the lives of hundreds, or even thousands. Or even tens of thousands.
Your good life paves the way for those who are tired, weak and hurting.
These words of encouragement are not going out to the strong, but to the willing; to those who will say yes to grabbing hold of life again with fresh vigor. This invitation is to those who are willing to start exercising their rusty joints and keep moving on. My friend, the dance isn't over; the music is still playing.
Sometimes all it takes to get people out onto the dance floor is just one person crazy enough to let go and get a move on; and soon the dance floor is filled. It's that
contagious. My friend, maybe you are that person.
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