Thinking about Heaven

These very real questions may have entered your thoughts as scary considerations. You're not alone if the thought of forever is daunting to you.
But would you try, for just a minute, to ask God to fill your thoughts with the wildness of what heaven may look like? And then let your mind run uninhibited. Like this for example, a thought I had while thinking about heaven recently.
Imagine this - a scheduled time, a very large screen TV, and an audience of millions sitting in anticipation. And then on the screen flashes your name with the caption, "And the wonder of their life". And God is glorified as we sit for hours and watch how your kind touches, gentle words, involvement in church, all of the seemingly small things you've done, come to life as the impact of those actions, your actions, are shown to all of heaven's audience.
And this happens for every single person in heaven. Why not? We'll certainly have enough time!
What a crazy thought, right? Well, not really.
The unimaginable is there for us to imagine with the help of His Spirit. So why not ask, "Father, let my imagination run wild with thoughts of what you have in store for me in heaven." I can't imagine Him not answering you, if even with the smallest wild thought to run with. And run with it to your heart's content.
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