My Left Arm
I'm right handed, and, I guess that makes me right-armed. If I'm cutting down a tree in my yard, I use my right hand to hold the saw and my right arm to pull and push. That's how I've done it forever. Clip bushes with my right hand, throw rocks with my right arm, pull weeds with my right hand and right arm. I'm a "righty."
Well, until recently; when I suffered a yard-work injury. This injury caused great pain in my right arm, rendering it weak and fairly useless. No more cutting trees, clipping bushes, pulling a rake with the right hand on the bottom of the handle. Actually, that's not true; there's a solution to this problem. You see, I have two arms. Call the other arm, my left one, Mr. Neglected. The unused arm.

Paul realized something very important; he had grasped an amazing perspective on weakness and difficulty. Paul gave us a peek into a conversation the Lord was having with him one day, "But he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.'"
Power made perfect. Or, you could say, strength made perfect in our weakness. My right arm went weak, my left arm grew strong. Now both arms are well on their way to being equally strong. And that is what the Lord does with us. He graciously removes a crutch from our lives, deals us a trial, or puts us in a situation that requires more than we have. His strength being made perfect.

Be glad, rejoice, say "yeehah!" His strength, His power, is being perfected in your weakness.
(Greeting Cards by Audrey Furcinitti)
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