Greater Healing

“He himself bore our sins” in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; “by his wounds you have been healed.”

I believe in healing. I've seen it. I've been healed of back pain, trigger thumb, and other physical issues. But even greater than the physical healings I've received is the healing I've received for my soul; healing for sin sickness.

I remember meeting with a man who was fully convinced that God would heal my sight through him. He had seen many healings. So we prayed. And nothing happened. But then, after talking to him and his wife, the real healing happened. A healing of my spiritual eyesight; a burden I had been carrying for twenty or so years lifted. Given the choice, I would have taken this healing of my soul over the healing of my physical sight any day, all day.

What is the soul-healing you are waiting for? God is able. He is able to heal your body, He is able to heal your soul.

The scripture says that by His wounds we've been healed. Interestingly, this scripture is in the context of Jesus bearing our sins so that we might live for righteousness. The implication here is of more than just a physical healing. It speaks of healing that brings freedom; freedom from the weight of sin we carry. Freedom to be who He made us to be.

Relational healing.

The fact is that we all die, and the body we so desire to be healed of its quirks and pains eventually passes away. This is not morbid, it just puts it in perspective. Our souls will live forever, and in our souls is where the most powerful of healings occurs.

Jesus died to bring healing to us, not just our physical body, but more importantly to our souls. What traps you? What burdens do you carry? Know that by His wounds you are healed. Freedom is waiting.

(Paintings by Audrey Furcinitti)


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