Silver Promises

The Lord's promises are pure, like silver refined in a furnace, purified seven times over - Psalms 12:6

Perfected in the process.

There is something about God's words, His promises to us, that align to the process of refinement. God working in us; God refining us as we come into His promises. We obtain His promises through faith and patience, and faith and patience are two ships that travel on the tumultuous sea of trial. 

There are promises that we come into and there are promises that must come into us. Some are quickly received, others require process. Everyone who believes has eternal life. That is true now; a promise that is in place, realized now. But it is also a promise we come into, a salvation we walk out with fear and trembling.

There are life promises; personal words from the Lord to us. For me, one that He has spoken over me since I first believed, Never will I leave or forsake you. Truth. A promise now. But the reality of that promise is becoming more real, more refined, more true to me on a personal level as I walk through periods of loneliness. 

His promise, as it is applied to my life, is becoming more and more pure, more precious; it is ringing true as it is laid beside me like a guarding wall along this journey I walk. It is a precious promise, a silver reward, refined. Made perfect through my "prefect falling" (though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again).

What is your promise, God's silver gift to you? Maybe you have several. They will become real to you, more and more real through each passing day's difficulties. Do not be surprised at this fiery trial of your faith. This testing, this refining, will only be to show you just how precious His promise to you really is.

When all is said and done
This silver ring I'll wear
And it will shine forever more
For my reward, my crown, 
Was under His care

(Photographs by Hannah G. Furcinitti)


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