What if I told you that all of your debts had been cancelled? That speeding ticket, the monthly car loan that never seems to go away, the seemingly insurmountable thirty year mortgage; erased, forgotten, taken off the books. No more debt. What would that feel like? What would you do? Buy another house, borrow more money - or treasure the freedom freshly bestowed upon you?

Many of us dream of having more money. Increase supply, decrease debt. But what if the possibility of debt was no more? Try to envision a place, a world, or let's call it a dynamic, where debt and abundance swap. Debt becomes little and provision goes through the roof.

Placed upon us are legal demands, law and consequence. We incur debt because of legal demand. The law demands that if you speed, you pay a fine. If you charge an item at the store, you pay for it, sometimes with interest. Steal, murder, commit adultery; some debts are heavier than others and some of the fines we pay are not just monetary.

But what if I told you that those very legal demands were being set aside? What if, in some wildly amazing, parallel universe kind of way, debt could never be incurred again? Every debt is related to a legal demand, a decree, an ordinance. What if that legal indebtedness was removed, taken away; that very thing that makes us guilty of our crime, removed?

What kind of inexplicable, explainable thoughts are these?

None of us is perfect in regards to the law. In some form or another, we've all broken the law. And none of us is perfect in the great moral Law of God's commandments. Or are we like a young rich ruler who approached Jesus and said, "I have kept all of these commandments from my youth," only to have Jesus present the the truth in love to him. "Sell all that you have, and come follow me." The young man couldn't even keep the first command, you shall have no other gods before you, even riches, youth or control.

None of us is perfect, and those honest among us will admit to the truth that we are far from perfect. Daily we stumble, in many ways when it comes to God's law, that law written by the finger of the Almighty on cold, hard stones.

"I've never cheated on my wife!" you may shoot back at me. You've fulfilled the letter of the law, but may I suggest you may have missed its heart. When was the last time your eye wandered with your heart following closely?

"I am no murderer!" I doubt the stain of shed blood finds itself on your hands. But what about your heart? Have you hated your brother, your sister? Have you killed their reputation with your words? Has your heart played their downfall in your mind's thoughts?

"I have no gods in my life." What masters do you serve with your time? Does selfish ambition ever rise in you and put the better of others behind your own betterment? Has service to God ever taken a back seat to service to self?

The legal demands of the law demand payment. Yet our wallets our bankrupt. Our debt is racked daily. None of us, not one, rises to the standard of holy perfection.

But what if I told you that all of your debt has been paid for, that someone has walked into the courthouse of heaven and paid your bill? What if I told you that every angry thought, every look of lust, every word of gossip, every expression of human depravity you've ever indulged in, has been taken away, cancelled. This is good news.

Now, if I may, prompt even further. What if the very law, the legal demands, the stone cold decrees written by the finger of God that have indebted us to our Creator was set aside, nailed to the same cross that your debts were nailed to? What if never again could the finger of accusation be pointed at you saying, "See how they fall, see how they stumble, see how they sin against You, Holy God!".
Two thousand years ago, the human, flesh and blood finger of the man Jesus wrote on the pliable and soft sand of this earth. He wrote a new law, a law of grace, a law of truth. He wrote this before the object of men's judgement - an adulterous woman; a sinner. And written in that sand, before heaven's eyes and before the eyes of man was the new law. Grace, mercy, forgiveness, second chances - freedom from the stone cold, unmovable requirements of the law.

And now, we can lay down the burdens we carry because they are no longer ours to carry. The One who said "Come to me" offers repose, exemption, from the legal demands that have weighted our weary hearts with anxiety and burden. We owe nothing now, but to love. And His commands are not burdensome.

We are now free to serve one another in love. We are now empowered to fulfill the very requirements that once burdened us.


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