Probably one of the greatest gifts that God has given us is the ability to appreciate. He not only gives us beauty, he also gives us the ability to admire that beauty. What a good God.

Consider the survival of the human race. The procreation of humanity is not an arduous and labor-some task, but rather, a God-designed, wonderful and enjoyable, intimate (you add the adjective you want here) experience. "Be fruitful and multiply." Has ever a command been so desirable to obey? God is good.
In this world we see suffering, but not from the hand of God. No, this world’s downfall is at the hand of man. People hurt people. Yet even in this, if we will look, we can see the goodness of God’s gift of free will. God never forces us to love, He simply calls us to it.
Thank God He didn’t create robots. He has created free will agents with the ability to receive and love him. Choice is one of the greatest gifts as well. A man without a choice is a bound man indeed.

And so we have choice, the choice to worship him, to honor him, to call him good when the world around us is not good. When circumstances are contrary to our desires, he is still good and wise and faithful. When enters pain, his goodness remains; it never leaves our room. And he invites us to cast our cares upon him, even the cares that arise from our own doing. Because he is good. And he is God.
Grateful for this blog post!