An Adventure

God has got us on an adventure. And that's a perspective. In this life, we can look at our challenges as difficulties, the Murphy's law attitude, or, we can embrace the promises of God and see our difficulties and plan changes as what they really are for the child of God - adventures. As Chuck Swindoll said so succinctly, "life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it". True.

The delayed flight, the cancelled appointment, the unexpected surgery. Our challenges are many and varied. Yet God has a hand in them all; they are a part of this grand adventure the child of God finds himself on.

My wife and I were recently scheduled to fly to Manila. We packed. We prepared. We arrived at the airport early. We were denied check-in. I was denied check-in. A big mess- up on the ticket. The name on my passport didn't match the name on my ticket and the ticket had to be re-issued with the correct information. That was confirmed by the airlines as being done weeks before we arrived at the airport. But it wasn't done, apparently. The transfer had not really gone through. How could they mess this up? How is it possible that two people standing in an airport are told, "Sorry, we can't get you on that plane. There is nothing we can do!" Or, asked a better way, "What adventure have you got us on now, God?"

He makes me fruitful in the land of my suffering; in the land of my adventure.

We made it to the Philippines, though. Eventually. This world famous city of Manila welcomed us a week later. And it was part of God's timing. It was part of the adventure He had planned for us, and He did it His way. I had my idea of how this trip should go, but God simply wanted us to know that it was all in His hands, His timing, His promise fulfilled. I couldn't have any part in this promise of God or else it wouldn't have been His promise fulfilled. No, it would have been Joe getting it done.

Over three years ago, my wife and I having taken only one trip out of the country with no real desire to travel, were given a message by a man who had come to our church. He called us out of the crowd and told us that God had an adventure planned for us. We would travel to a world famous city on a business situation. What? Funny how the promises of God are sometimes hidden in the dark corners of our lives waiting to be told. Announced. God announced this divine assurance of good and it shocked us; came out of nowhere and surprised us. God is able to do exceeding abundantly beyond all that we ask or imagine.

And now here we are, excited to be in the impossible of God. It's an adventure. It's timely. It's promise fulfilled. Now let me ask you a question, what promise of God can you grab a hold of? No matter how small or generic, grab a hold of one of His promises; whether it's personal or a general promise in the scripture. And watch God fulfill it in His time and in His way. That is called faith; and believe me, there's no greater adventure.


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