Waiting is Hard
The young person who struggles with patience and life's journey of waiting almost can't be blamed for their struggle. This is what they've grown up with. It is what they see all around them. American Idols rising almost instantly to success. A free order at Starbuck's if the drive-through service takes too long. Instant food and almost instant stomach aches. In general, we've been geared up to get what we expect and expect it quickly.
Waiting is hard.
When God is silent, waiting is hard.
When the dullness of life lays on us like a wet beach towel, waiting is hard.
When our efforts seem to yield little, waiting is hard.
When someone we love is suffering , waiting is hard.
When God's promises seem delayed, waiting is hard.
Sometimes it can seem that life is one big wait. We wait to find that someone special and wait to marry them. We wait for that career that results from waiting to graduate college. We wait to retire. We wait and we wait and we wait.
(Paintings by Audrey Furcinitti)
Joe - So true that we live in an age of "entitlement."
ReplyDeleteI think, sometimes, that the waiting is designed to pull the idolatry of self out of us, and redirect our eyes onto Him!