The Promises of God

If God makes a promise, can you depend on it? Does He have the power to carry out what He says He will do? Is His word trustworthy? Those of us who know God will quickly answer yes. We know that God is not only powerful, He is also faithful.

So what about that cold that we’ve been battling for the past two weeks, or what about the glaucoma, the cancer, the emotional issues, the mental hangups? The anxiety. Doesn’t God promise that He will heal all of our diseases? I know of Christians that have been healed, but I also know of those who have gone to their grave with their disease, and even at times, because of it. Why the disconnect? Has God forgotten some while healing others? Why does tragedy strike some who have faith in God while skirting around others?

Before I answer that question (it’s really one question), let’s look at the Scripture to see what it has to say about the promises of God. Here are three things we can say about His promises -

The promises of God are for His glory and purpose

God sends forth His word with purpose and power according to His desire. It will accomplish its intended purpose. It will not fail, it will succeed.1 His promises are not for our personal advancement or gain; yet the heart that delights itself with Him will find that its desires are fulfilled2 - not according to temporal or earthly gains, but in accordance with true riches.3 

When Jesus taught us how to pray as a community, He illuminated to us an attitude of submission that should be carried with us into our prayers, “Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven

In our claiming of His promises, as we embrace His word, let us pray for His fame, renown, and glory to be displayed through their fulfillment.

The promises of God do not need our help to be fulfilled
Many years ago my wife and I had been given a prophecy that I would take her to a world famous country and show her some technical things, things related to my work. Some years after that, I saw an opportunity to bring training to my company’s operation in the Philippines. I could taste the fulfillment of God’s promise. But I made a grave mistake. I pushed for this training, I “made it happen.”

God does not need our help in fulfilling His promises. They find their success not in our efforts (whatever that may look like) but rather in His faithful love. God fulfills His word. God’s promises are rooted in His faithfulness and power, not ours.
(1 Corinthians‬ ‭1:8, 1 Corinthians‬ ‭1:30, Psalm 37:24, 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24, Jude 1:24, Philippians 2:13, Philippians 1:6, 1 John 3:2)

The Lord, (He’s so gracious, patient, and merciful), did a strange and wonderful thing surrounding that trip. My wife and I were on our way to the airport, feeling unsettled about the whole thing. We seriously wondered if we would make it back to the states. After a word of encouragement from our daughter Kaity, who told us that God could stop us from getting on that plane, we decided to continue on to the airport.

As I went to check in, a turn of events started that would make me understand - it is God who fulfills His promises, not me. The airline could not issue me a ticket. Apparently my passport name didn’t agree with my airline reservation. No amount of effort on the part of the airline representative or my company’s travel agency could fix the problem. Honestly, it was quite odd. Our flight was cancelled and we headed back home in awe and wonder at what God had arranged.

One week later, we were on a plane to the Philippines, an important lesson learned, feeling peace. The message was received. We don’t manipulate God with our words, with our arrangements, or with anything else to see His promises fulfilled. We simply hold on to His word and trust in Him to fulfill it in His good time and in His glorious way.

God’s promises are fulfilled according to God’s timeline, not ours
There are times we must wait on the Lord for His answer, the realization of His promise.
6 But we must never place our hope in the answer. Our hope is in the One who gives and fulfills the promise in His wise time.

There is value in suffering and waiting patiently for Him. It can be a refining process, a growing experience, if we allow it to be. We can see His promises being refined in our lives like silver in a furnace, waiting to come forth pure.7

We get into trouble when we start applying our timeline to the fulfillment of God’s promises instead of submitting to His. This is why Jesus said, “Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of his own accord, but only what he sees the Father doing.” (John 5:19) “Lord, give us eyes to see what You are doing, to peer into the heavenlies and see Your glorious hand at work.” There is nothing wrong with embracing the promises of God in scripture8, but we must not mess with the timeline of their fulfillment.

The real question that needs to be answered here, the underlying query would be, “Is God really good?” I believe this is what it comes down to. Whether we are healed now, ten years from now, or on the day we step into eternity, can we say, “God is truly good”? Does a life that bears up well under suffering glorify and fulfill the promises of God as much as the one that receives a miraculous healing? I believe it does.

All of us face the same end. Some of us will enter forever leaving behind strength and health, while some of us will leave behind frailty and sickness. Does He heal all of our diseases? Will He fulfill all of His promises? Yes, He will; it’s a simple matter of when.

Scripture References

1Isaiah 55:10-13 NIV
2Psalm 37:4
3Philipians 4:19
4Matthew 6:10
5Psalm 94:18
6Psalm 40:1-2
7Psalm 12:6
8Romans 15:4
91 John 3:2

The greatest healing is a mended relationship with God. And we, as sheep who were straying, have that now. (Isaiah 53:5, 1 Peter 2:24, 25)


  1. I really needed to hear this. Not because I didnt agree, but because I totally do. I often get much opposition on the healing question, and the waiting, as you say even if it takes untill we meet the Lord in heaven. Some even say heaven is already here. Well in a sense yes, but look at this virus plaguing us right now, heaven ? I looking for my future home, where there is no sickness or a tear to be found. Oh I understand that we need to walk above our circumstances, but there is a future in Jesus yet to be revealed.
    I knew this really awesome man of God who was dying from cancer. He was no part time christian, but shared the gospel even to the Dr & Nurses while on his death bed. Shortly before he died I was visiting with him. He asked me, Joe what will all those I have witnessed to think of God now ? It wasnt that his faith was lacking, rather he though that he had somehow let God down. I told him; Frank, people can see a healing take place with their own eyes, yet wake up two days later saying, well, I guess that just went away by itself. Buth the faith you show, the absolute trust you show in God is something they can not deny, wether you live through this, or you die. He died two weeks later, still praising and worshipping till his last breath. A couple of weeks after he crossed over, a new family came to church. When asked how they heard about our church, they answered, Frank told us. We worked at the hospital where he was, and he shared the gospel with us. That was over a year ago, and they are still there. Franks witness went beyond the grave, all the way to eternity.
    Thank s for this letter Joe, lets me know I'm in good company ! Love you Brother.

    1. Yes, thank you Joe F. Joe S. - that is a great story of faithfulness!


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