When God provides, He also protects There's a story of Peter and some of his friends doing some night fishing on the Sea of Galilee. It was a long night, desperate for a miracle, for they had caught nothing. But they were fishermen and so that is what they did. They fished. After all, Jesus had been crucified, Peter had denied Him, and they probably felt pretty directionless - even though Jesus had made an appearance at one point to them. Sometimes our miracles come after our night. After their night, their fish-less, fruitless night, a familiar voice called from the shore out to the empty boat they were in. "Friends, haven't you any fish?" No sir, we don't. We've got nothing to show for a long night of laboring. And again, the voice sounded from the shore, "Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some." And so they did, and so they pulled a net full of large fish that could hardly be contained. What a miracle. The man...