I don't ever want to move from the cross, to lose sight of it. At the cross is where we trade sin's blackest stains for the pure white robe of His righteousness. Our assurance comes from what was accomplished at the cross. Thieves and murderers die on Roman crosses, but when the righteous One hangs there, when the innocent One dies on a cross, when the Son of God is nailed to the tree as thief and murderer, all of heaven and earth shake.

John Wesley, an influential 18th century English preacher, had a deep realization that he lacked assurance of salvation. In spite of all of his methods and disciplines, he saw that empty nagging void inside of himself. He knew much, was trained by his parents, had a heritage of preaching and evangelism, but still he lacked that surety, that comfort that comes with salvation.

What if I was to not do another thing with this life of mine? Would God withdraw His promise of salvation from me? Would His love towards me cool? These questions are really just code for the underlying question, "What is my hope in?" Is it in my faithfulness, my deeds, my talents on showcase? Is it about my good behavior or my "righteousness?" Do I carry that spiritual anxiety, that backpack of lead-weight performance? Or, do I rest in Him, in His works?
My labor in the Lord is not in vain, but it is also not my hope. I am His masterpiece created for good works, but His work is to simply entrust my spiritual growth into the hands of the One whose masterpiece I am.

The Lord has promised that He would sustain me, keep me to the end and present me blameless, guiltless before His glorious presence on that day. The One who has called us has given us this surety, this assurance, for He is faithful and He cannot and will not lie.
John Wesley, an influential 18th century English preacher, had a deep realization that he lacked assurance of salvation. In spite of all of his methods and disciplines, he saw that empty nagging void inside of himself. He knew much, was trained by his parents, had a heritage of preaching and evangelism, but still he lacked that surety, that comfort that comes with salvation.
What if I was to not do another thing with this life of mine? Would God withdraw His promise of salvation from me? Would His love towards me cool? These questions are really just code for the underlying question, "What is my hope in?" Is it in my faithfulness, my deeds, my talents on showcase? Is it about my good behavior or my "righteousness?" Do I carry that spiritual anxiety, that backpack of lead-weight performance? Or, do I rest in Him, in His works?
My labor in the Lord is not in vain, but it is also not my hope. I am His masterpiece created for good works, but His work is to simply entrust my spiritual growth into the hands of the One whose masterpiece I am.
The Lord has promised that He would sustain me, keep me to the end and present me blameless, guiltless before His glorious presence on that day. The One who has called us has given us this surety, this assurance, for He is faithful and He cannot and will not lie.
Hallelujah and Amen !