Taste of home Sometimes all someone needs is a taste of home; that feeling of connection with the familiar; a reminder. Deep inside all of us is a longing for that place where we feel settled, centered, and solid; that place that is filled with the comfort that loved ones bring. We all need a taste of heaven sometimes. Our hearts long for that. We desire heaven, for this is not our home. Oh, we manage to find joy here along with times of refreshing. We find things that occupy us and fill our time, but nothing really satisfies or makes us feel connected like when we connect with heaven; when we are touched by our King. And nothing touches our King like when we bring a taste of heaven to those around us. My wife is in Haiti right now, visiting our daughter Hannah. Hannah has recently started living in Haiti. For the first seventeen years of her life, she's lived here in America. You could call this her home land; it's her place of birth. Besides some simple snacks, rem...