Once Separated
Have you seen the movie, Oh God?
It’s about a grocery store manager who has an encounter with God. The Almighty (played
by the 90 year old, cigar smoking George Burns) appears to Jerry (played by
John Denver) many times throughout the movie; in a car, in the shower, over the
radio. The experience is rather unnerving for Jerry and the reactions of others
to his run in with God are varied, as expected.
I have conversations with God in
my car. I haven’t seen Him, I haven’t heard an audible voice, and I haven’t
smelled cigar smoke, but I know it is God speaking to me, because what He has
said, what He has spoken to my heart, has come to pass.
I believe God wants to speak to each
of us today.
Several weeks ago I was on my
way to work and God spoke to me in the form of a question. And the question
came with the answer embedded in it, like the music on the radio is embedded in
the radio signal. His question was, “Do your sins cause a separation between
you and God?” How would you answer this question? If God had asked you this,
what would your response be?
Be careful before you answer.
If this question had been asked
of me ten years ago, my answer would have been a quick and absolute, “Yes! My
sins separate me from God.” But the young, self-strong, self-righteous, and
self-confident man that I was has faded into the past, humbled by the years. Yet
a new man has risen in his place; God-confident, God-assured, God-made. It is
no longer I who lives, but Christ who lives in me. Yet I still live, and live
fully. Joyfully and gratefully. Without regret. And this has been a work of His
Spirit in me.
Today, with this new mind set
(the word in Greek, the language of the new testament scriptures, is metanoia),
I answer that question not out of self-confidence, but rather out of true
confidence, as a student who has been trained by a kind and gentle Master. And
my answer is a deep and firm, resounding “No, my sins do not separate me from
my God.” For I have been forgiven; completely, utterly, perfectly, through and
through. All sin, past, present, future, has been paid for. Christ died once for all sin.
We are loved deeply by the One
who knows us completely, by the One who so loved us that He gave His Son. Every
flaw, every good part; every sin, every victory. He sees it all, yet for those
who have received this gift, this payment of their debts, He sees only the
good. Know that.
Live loved my friends.
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