I just returned from a trip to Haiti where I
led a team of short term missionaries on a one week missions trip to one of the
poorest countries in the western hemisphere. I had my ideas and plans of how
this trip would play out, but I held on to them loosely, knowing God would do
the unexpected. Sometimes the hardest thing for us can be to go off script; to deviate
from our best laid plans. In Haiti it is not uncommon for plans to fall through
and things to change.
But God moves powerfully in the unexpected.
I had strategies and formulated notions in
place for what I was going to do in this country that shares an island with the
Dominican Republic. And I was prepared accordingly. There is nothing wrong with
being ready; with being a prepared person. But the investment we make in our
readiness, in our preparation, must never take front seat to what God has
planned behind the scenes. If our plans become more important than His moving
and direction then we're in danger of idol worship.
Last year while leading a team, I had the
opportunity to preach at one of the Haitian churches. While I was prepared to
do that again, the opportunity did not present itself. Instead, God had plans
for something else, and on Sunday I was called out of the congregation to act
in a skit, on the spot, with no time to prepare. Again, God had a different
idea of what should happen.
Every one of us carries attitudes; some
wonderful and inspiring, and some bitter and repulsive. Those attitudes reflect
our willingness or our apprehension, our flexibility or our irritation with
change. But we can choose which attitude to take on. God has given us the
ability to do so.
Should we prepare? Absolutely. But we must
never neglect preparing our hearts and attitudes for flexibility. Should we
make a plan? Of course. God uses plans. But He also directs our steps, so
be ready for a possible plan change. The
scripture gives us wise advice to commit our actions to the Lord. And as we do,
He will make our plans succeed. But we must always be ready for a change to
those plans, for it is the Lord who directs our steps.
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