His words call us to action, not to stress; to prayer, not to complaining.
There are words and situations in our lives that try to call us to frazzlement; whispers, thoughts, that call us to shout out in our own strength and myopic perspective, "Unfair, I say, unfair! Not right! Can't be!" Words that lead us down the trail of frustration. A trail we've all taken. A trail you may even be on right now.
But His way is the way of peace. The way of letting go.

Then you will find that He will take all your situations and, in His power and timing, make all things right. And your emptied heart will be filled with all the good and perfect gifts He has for you at His disposal.
Receive His assurance, ignore the worries. Receive His encouragement, ignore the lies. Know that His plans are for your good. It's time to let go, completely, and to trust in Him.
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