God is working all things together for our good. Sometimes that's hard to believe. Disappointment comes; it's hard to understand. Even in the little things; the small let downs do add up, don't they? But there are times God uses our disappointments to show us that He is in the failing of our plans. I was recently in England, and one of the sites that was on my list of things to see was Stonehenge. I don't know why, I just wanted to see it. Maybe it's the historical significance and mystery behind these arranged stones. So, my wife and I headed out for the ancient monument. We were told that it closed at 5:00, it was 3:30 or so and we were about 45 minutes away. We had plenty of time. That would leave us a good amount of time to soak in this recognizable English icon. We arrived a little after four and drove up to the visitor's center entrance. It was still open. Oh joy. Only one problem, and here's where the disappointment struck, they stop selling ticke...