The Great Opportunity

We have opportunity every day to show love to someone. Each day we have the opportunity to forgive a wrong done, or show kindness to someone having a bad day. Throughout our day we find occasion to extend patience in traffic or at work. We will have the chance, if we dare see it, to show humility and lay aside any high opinions we have of ourselves.

Our lives are filled with chances to lay aside our selfish ambitions and consider others before ourselves; to display serenity when provoked, confronted, or challenged. With strangers, with family, day in and day out, in the amazing and in the mundane, love is what matters most.

Impressive church buildings filled with well marketed programs and motivational rhetoric that stirs emotions wildly do not define or exalt Christ and who He is. Love in action brings the reality of the kingdom of God to this earth. You may never travel to another country as a missionary, but you can show kindness to a family member. You may never start a radio ministry, but you can show patience to that person who is rubbing you the wrong way.

Love, the day to day, rubber meets the road, treat your wife gently, and speak lovingly to your children kind of love brings significance to all of the programs, buildings, and rhetoric. Love must come first, in all its preeminence, for God is love and love is what this world is hungry for.

The next time you want to demonstrate the kingdom of God, who Jesus is, demonstrate love. Show patience, be kind to someone. Let go of a hurt or wrong; cross it of that list you’ve been keeping. Be real about who you are and don’t exaggerate your importance or abilities. Do something with someone else in mind.

And do all this, not because it is right or because you are obligated, but rather because you are loved; loved by someone who knows you completely and yet loves you unreservedly. You are free to love because you are loved by the God of the universe.

My prayer for you is that you will grasp the love of Christ for you; His always searching, all encompassing, life-enduring, and covering love; a love that surpasses your wildest dreams and thoughts. 


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